Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Why I Cannot Marry Zahra Buhari -Korede Bello Opens Up

There is hope for female fans of Korede Bello who would love to be his ultimate ‘Belover’ after all, as he revealed he is still on the lookout for the right woman. Speaking in a recent interview, Korede said his picture with Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari‘s daughter, Zahra over a year ago was nothing but a ‘good picture’.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Photos: Joint Task Force arrest hoodlums extorting money from hawkers, drivers, truck pushers in Anambra State

Photos: Joint Task Force arrest hoodlums extorting money from hawkers, drivers, truck pushers in Anambra State

Ocha Brigade team with the Joint Task Force (JTF) lead by Kenneth Okonkwo went to Eke Awka, Onitsha Head Bridge market and Ose Okwodu market, In Anambra State, to arrest hoodlums that were extorting money from hawkers, barrow pushers, tricycle (keke na pepe) drivers, okada riders etc.

Addressing the crowd, Mr. Okonkwo informed them that the State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano has heard their cry due to the wicked activities of these hoodlums extorting money from them in the market and approved the policy that they should not pay any money to anybody again except the ones approved by the Government.

More photos...

Photo credit: Norbert Chike

Chelsea legend John Terry asks England fans to show more respect to Wayne Rooney after he's snubbed by England

Chelsea legend and captain John Terry has asked England fans to stop blasting and show more respect to Manchester United/England forward Wayne Rooney after the England/Man U captain was snubbed for England's match against Slovenia today.

Rooney has been pushed out of the starting line up at Man. U by Mourinho due to his woeful form despite his £300k per week salary. He was also dropped for Tuesday's England clash with Slovenia

Terry, a former England teammate of Rooney has urged fans to show him more respect. In an Instagram post on Tuesday, Terry wrote;

NDDC board: Senate rejects two of President Buhari's nominees

The Senate today rejected two of President Buhari's nomination as members of the board of the Niger Delta Development Company NDDC. The rejected nominees are Olatokunbo Ajasin, son of the former governor of Ondo State, late Chief Michael Adekunle Ajasin and Donatus Enyinnah from Abia state.
The senate committee on Niger Delta while presenting its report on the screening of the nominees, said both men were dropped on the ground that their nominations breached the NDDC Act as they are not from oil-producing areas of their respective states. Sixteen out of the 19 nominees were confirmed. The nominee for Imo state was not confirmed because he failed to show up for the screening. See list of the nominees after the cut.

Female police officer criticized for carrying the the bag of Anambra state first lady, Ebele Obiano

The photo was shared on Facebook page and many Nigerians are criticising the police officer for carrying the First Lady's bag. Shouldn't she have?

Rapper Young Thug as a woman...

Rapper Young Thug as a woman...
Which one is cuter; Young Thug as a woman or as a man...?

Be her perfect man as Kanye West is with Kimkock products

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President Buhari seeks senates confirmation of two supreme court justices

Senate President Bukola Saraki, on the floor of the senate this morning read a letter from President Buhari seeking confirmation of appointment of two Supreme Court Justice. The names forwarded for confirmation are Justice Sidi Dauda Bage (North-Central) and Justice Paul Adamu (North-East).

Photos: See the fake iPhone this Ghanaian guy bought by mistake

According to Twitter user @1Mr_Ken_, his friend purchased this iPhone that was properly packaged in a box for a 1000ghs and later found out it was absolutely fake. Lol. More photos after the cut.

Saraki condemns recent arrest of some judges by DSS

Saraki condemns recent arrest of some judges by DSS

Senate President Bukola Saraki, today condemned the recent arrest and detention of some judges by officials of the Department of State Security DSS. Saraki condemned the act while speaking at the senate's plenary today.

RELATED NEWS UPDATE : Actress Kiki Omeili flaunts natural hair as she da...

RELATED NEWS UPDATE : Actress Kiki Omeili flaunts natural hair as she da...: Actress Kiki Omeili flaunts natural hair as she dazzles in new pics Nollywood actress, Kiki Omeili shares stunning photos as she flaunt...

Actress Kiki Omeili flaunts natural hair as she dazzles in new pics

Actress Kiki Omeili flaunts natural hair as she dazzles in new pics

Nollywood actress, Kiki Omeili shares stunning photos as she flaunts new hairdo with her natural hair. More photos after cut..

RELATED NEWS UPDATE : 101 Funny Words to Say

RELATED NEWS UPDATE : 101 Funny Words to Say: Words that sound funny when you say them. Words That Will Keep You Entertained! If you need a good ...

101 Funny Words to Say

Words that sound funny when you say them.
Words that sound funny when you say them.

Words That Will Keep You Entertained!

If you need a good laugh today, here are 101 words that are funny to say. Read them out loud to a friend, coworker, or just enjoy sounding like an idiot all by yourself. Try it, you'll see.
Why are these words so funny? Maybe it's because they make a funny sound (like plop, splat, gobble, or smooch) or because they contain sounds that are uncommon in English (like klutz, schlep, and gesundheit). Dr. Seuss was a wizard at making up words to make us laugh (as in diffendoofer, gootch, bippo-no-bungus, and muddle-puddle-tweetle-poodle-beetle-noodle-bottle-paddle-battle")! For whatever reason, the 101 words I've listed below are funny, and I've included each word's definition to show that its humor does not necessarily depend on its meaning (although sometimes the word's definition adds to the fun!).
At the end of this article, I have also included some fun word games, both online and printable, and games to play when you are bored.
Have fun!

Funny Words A—D (from Acerbate to Docimasy)

1. acerbate: To embitter or exasperate; to make sour or bitter; a bitter person.
2. acidulous: Rather sour or sharp in speech, manner, etc.; acid.
3. Addis Ababa: The capital of Ethiopia which lies on a central plateau 2400 m (8000 ft.) above sea level: founded in 1887; became capital in 1896.
4. axolotl (pronounced ax-o-lottle): Aquatic salamander of the North American genus Ambystoma, esp. A. mexicanum (Mexican axolotl), in which the larval form (including external gills) is retained throughout life under natural conditions.
5. ayahuasca (pronounced ayah-waska): A hallucinogenic brew made from the bark and stems of a tropical South American vine of the genus Banisteriopsis, especiallyB. caapi, which is mixed with other psychotropic plants and used especially in shamanistic rituals by certain Amazonian Indian peoples.
6. ballyhoo: Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity; noisy shouting or uproar.
7. befuddle: To confuse, muddle, or perplex; to make stupid with drink.
8. bespangle: To cover or adorn with (or as if with) brilliant sparkling or glittering things.
9. bifurcate: To divide or separate into two parts or branches; fork.
10. blip: A spot of light on a radar or sonar screen indicating the position of a detected object, such as an aircraft or a submarine. A high-pitched electronic sound; a bleep.
11. bobolink: An American migratory songbird (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), the male of which has black, white, and yellowish plumage.
12. booby: A person regarded as stupid.
Awkward speaking moments.
Awkward speaking moments.
13. boondoggle: An unnecessary or wasteful project or activity; a braided leather cord worn as a decoration (by boy scouts, for example).
14. bunghole: The hole in a cask, keg, or barrel through which liquid is poured in or drained out.
15. casuistry: Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.
16. chintzy: Of, relating to, or decorated with chintz (a kind of multicolored cotton fabric); gaudy; trashy: poorly made merchandise; stingy; miserly.
17. chukka boot: An ankle-high boot made of suede or rubber and worn for playing polo.
18. crupper: A leather strap looped under a horse's tail and attached to a harness or saddle to keep it from slipping forward. The rump of a horse; the croup.
19. cuckold: A man married to an unfaithful wife.
20. defunct: No longer living; dead or extinct; no longer operative or valid.
21. dingus: An article whose name is unknown or forgotten. A person regarded as stupid.
22. dither: A state of indecisive agitation.
23. docimasy: An ancient Greek process whereby candidates for office or citizenship were judicially reviewed.
Like Washington itself: complicated, unfair, and cluttered with gobbledygook.
— Ronald Reagan

Fun Words to Say (E—H); From Echinococcus to Hullabaloo

24. echinococcus: Any of several parasitic tapeworms of the genus Echinococcus, the larvae of which infect mammals and form large, spherical cysts in the liver or lungs, causing serious or fatal disease.
25. erysipelas: An acute disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by a species of hemolytic streptococcus and marked by localized inflammation and fever. Also called Saint Anthony's fire.
26. exculpate: To clear of guilt or blame.
27. flibbertigibbet: a frivolous, flighty person.
29. frippery: Pretentious, showy finery. Snobby elegance; ostentation. Something trivial or nonessential.
30. frou-frou (pronounced froo-froo): The rustling noise made by someone walking in a dress; frills or other ornamentation, particularly of women's clothes.
31. fuddy duddy: A fussy, critical, or old-fashioned person.
32. gadzooks: Used as a mild or ironic oath.
33. geebung: Any of various trees and shrubs of the genus Persoonia of Australia having an edible but tasteless fruit.
34. gibbous: Having a rounded, protuberant appearance, as in a pregnant woman or an almost-full moon.
28. filch: To take something, especially something of little value, in a furtive manner; steal.
35. gobbledygook: Unclear, wordy jargon.
36. guayule: A shrub (Parthenium argentatum) of the southwest United States and Mexico whose sap was a source of natural rubber during World War II.
37. harum-scarum: Lacking a sense of responsibility; reckless or careless.
38. hob nob: To associate familiarly or "rub shoulders" with, especially with those of higher social status.
39. hootenanny: An informal performance by folk singers, typically with participation of the audience, sometimes involving dance.
40. hubbub: Loud noise; confusion; tumult.
41. hullabaloo: Great noise or excitement; uproar.
There's no angry way to say "bubbles."
There's no angry way to say "bubbles."

Funny Words I—M: From Ichthyoid to Molly Coddle

42. ichthyoid: A fish or fishlike vertebrate.
43. ignominious: Marked by shame or disgrace.
44. iproniazid: A compound used as an antidepressant and formerly used to treat tuberculosis.
45. itty-bitty: Very small.
46. jabberwocky: Nonsensical speech or writing; invented or meaningless language; nonsense.
47. jackanapes: A conceited or impudent person; a mischievous child; an impertinent person; a tame monkey.
48. jinglingly: In a jingly manner.
49. kakapo: A flightless New Zealand parrot with greenish plumage.
50. kibitzer: One who looks on and offers unwanted, usually meddlesome, advice. (A "back seat driver.")
51. libelluloid: Like or pertaining to dragonflies.
52. lollygag: To waste time in aimless activity.
53. mazurka: A Polish dance resembling the polka, performed in triple time.
54. mellifluous: Flowing with sweetness or honey; smooth and sweet.
55. molly coddle: A man or boy used to being coddled; to pamper.
"Marshmallows" is a funny word, no matter how you say it.
"Marshmallows" is a funny word, no matter how you say it.

Funny Words N—R: From Namby-Pamby to Rugger Bugger

56. namby-pamby: Weak, insipid, indecisive; a feeble person.
57. nibblingly: In a nibbling manner.
58. nidifugous: Leaving the nest a short time after hatching.
59. niggle: To be preoccupied with trifles or petty details; to cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety; to find fault constantly and trivially.
60. obloquy: Abusively detractive language or utterance. The condition of disgrace suffered as a result of this abuse or vilification.
61. perspicacious: Having or showing penetrating mental discernment; clear-sighted.
62. phantasmagoria: A fantastic sequence of haphazardly associative imagery, as seen in dreams or fever. A constantly changing scene composed of numerous fantastic elements.
63. piffle: Nonsense. To talk or act feebly or futilely.
64. popinjay: A vain, talkative person.
65. quagmire: Land with a soft muddy surface. A difficult or precarious situation; a predicament.
66. quaggy: Resembling a marsh; soggy; soft and flabby.
67. ragamuffin: A dirty and shabbily clothed child.
68. rubaboo: A soup or stew made by boiling pemmican (meat paste) with flour and vegetables.
69. rugger bugger: A male follower of rugby culture; an aggressively masculine young man who is devoted to sport.
Kids say the funniest things.
Kids say the funniest things.

Funny Words S—U: From Scalawag to Umpteen

70. scalawag: A reprobate; a rascal. A white Southerner working for or supporting the federal government during Reconstruction.
71. shenanigan: A playful or mischievous act; a prank. Usually used in plural: Mischief; prankishness.
72. spicule: A small needlelike structure or part that is typically present in large numbers, such as a fine particle of ice.
73. spumoni: An Italian ice cream having layers of different colors or flavors and often containing fruits and nuts.
74. sputum: Matter coughed up and usually ejected from the mouth, including saliva, foreign material, and substances such as mucus or phlegm from the respiratory tract.
75. staphylococcus: A bacterium of a genus that includes many pathogenic kinds that cause pus formation, especially in the skin and mucous membranes.
76. swashbuckler: A blustering, swaggering fighting man.
77. teeny bopper: A faddish young teenager.
78. teetotaler: One who practices total abstinence from alcoholic liquor.
79. tintinnabulation: The ringing sound of bells.
80. titter: To laugh in a half-suppressed way; snicker.
81. tomfoolery: Foolish behavior; silliness.
82. tutelage: Guardianship; care; protection; instruction.
83. umiak: Large open Inuit or Eskimo boat made of skins stretched on a wooden frame, usually propelled by paddles.
84. umpteen: Relatively large amount, but unspecified in number.
Into this Universe and why not knowing, not whence, like water willy-nilly flowing.
— Omar Khayyam

Funny Words to Say V—Z: From Vamoose to Zedonk

85. vamoose: To leave hurriedly.
86. vichyssoise: A thick, creamy potato soup flavored with leeks and onions, usually served cold.
87. vicissitudes: Changes or variations. A change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant; alternation between opposite or contrasting things.
89. viviparous: Gestating offspring within the mother's body. (Most mammals and some other animals are viviparous.)
90. wampum: Small cylindrical beads made from polished shells, formerly used by certain Native American peoples as currency and jewelry or for ceremonial exchanges between groups.
91. whammy: A supernatural spell for subduing an adversary; a hex; serious or devastating setback.
92. wheedle: To persuade or attempt to persuade by flattery or guile.
93. whippersnapper: A person regarded as young, inexperienced, and overconfident.
94. whirligig: Any of various spinning toys. A carousel; a merry-go-round.
95. williwaw: A violent gust of cold wind blowing seaward from a mountainous coast, especially in the Straits of Magellan.
96. willy-nilly: Whether one likes it or not; without direction or planning; haphazardly.
97. xiphophyllous: Having sword-shaped leaves.
98. yeoman: An attendant, servant, or lesser official in a royal or noble household.
99. yitten: Frightened.
100: yuppify: To make (an urban area, for example) attractive to young affluent residents or consumers.
101. zedonk: The offspring of a zebra and a donkey.
It's hard to say "nutella" with a straight face.
It's hard to say "nutella" with a straight face.

Have you ever said "swashbuckler"?

  • Yes!
  • No, but I'm going to.

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Why do Ladies throw Thongs and other underwear at Male singers on Stage?

What’s the psychology behind it?

RELATED NEWS UPDATE : Best Musical Instruments for Beginners to Learn

RELATED NEWS UPDATE : Best Musical Instruments for Beginners to Learn: An acoustic guitar like the Yamaha FG800 makes a great first instrument for beginners Choosing a First Instrument Le...

Best Musical Instruments for Beginners to Learn

An acoustic guitar like the Yamaha FG800 makes a great first instrument for beginners
An acoustic guitar like the Yamaha FG800 makes a great first instrument for beginners

Choosing a First Instrument

Learning to play a musical instrument is rewarding in many ways. Through music kids and adults can learn discipline, express creativity and find a healthy way to manage stress. For people who stick to it and get good at it, music might even become a career. But even among those who play just for fun there are very few who regret bringing music into their lives.
Every wannabe musician has to start somewhere, and that somewhere isn’t always so easy to figure out. There are so many different instruments out there, each with a strong set of pros and cons. If you don’t know much about music to begin with, how are you supposed to choose?
This article can help. I’ve played guitar and bass for over thirty years, but over my career as a musician I’ve dabbled in many of the instruments listed in this article. Obviously I’ve made my choice, but I also recognize that there are many other options out there for all kinds people.
There are also a few instruments here that I have on my bucket list of things I intend to do in this world before I shuffle off. This brings me to the first of two important points I hope you take away from this article: You are never too old to learn a new musical instrument!
If you are a teenager or adult you might feel like your ship has sailed, but don’t give up so easily! Every second you waste wishing you had decided to take up music sooner is a second wasted where you could be learning music now! So quit whining and get to it!
The second point is that the best beginner instrument for you is the one that inspires you to play! This is not only true for adults, but especially for kids who may not be super-motivated to study. You’ll read a lot of different advice in this article and elsewhere, but above all else it is important to choose an instrument that gets you (or your child) excited about music.
So let’s get to it, and find the perfect first musical instrument for a beginner!


In my opinion, guitar is the best musical instrument for most newbies. Yes, I may be a little biased, but I am prepared to defend my position! The reason I put guitar number one is because it so accessible and so easy to get started with.
Starting guitar is very affordable. You can grab a beginner’s kit for $200 or less, and you have many, many options to choose from. You can take lessons if you want, but there are also a wide range of learning methods available through books, computer software and even online lessons. Finding songs to learn is super easy, and if you don’t want to learn to read music you can always depend on tablature to help you along.
You have a broad future ahead of you if you choose guitar. You may go the classical or jazz route and study guitar at a prestigious music school. You may become a rock player and form a cutting-edge band. You may decide to play acoustic guitar and write songs. The sky is the limit, and over your career as a guitar player you may experiment with many ideas.
Should you start with electric or acoustic guitar? There are pros and cons to each. My advice is always to pick whichever most motivates you to play. In a nutshell: Acoustic guitar is generally more affordable to start out on, where electric guitar is a bit easier to play. The choice is yours and there is no wrong answer.
There are some amazing acoustic guitars for beginners on the market today, but tops on my list is the Yamaha FG800. I always suggest the Yamaha FG Series for newbies just getting started with the instrument.

Yamaha FG800 Acoustic Guitar, Natural
Yamaha FG800 Acoustic Guitar, Natural
I highly recommend the Yamaha FG800 as a first acoustic guitar for beginners. It is an affordable, high-quality instrument that will last a newbie a long while.
This guitar is a upgrade from the FG700S, which has attained somewhat legendary status as a beginner gutiar.
Also look for the FS800, which is a similar instrument with a slightly smaller concert-style body. If you choose to start out on acoustic guitar either is a great choice!

Piano or Keyboard

Piano is next on my list, This is actually the first instrument I learned to play as a kid, and even today I mess around with it a bit. While I’ve obviously gravitated to guitar, I recognize the major advantage of my early days learning piano
Yamaha PSR-E453
Yamaha PSR-E453
Learning this instrument is nowhere near as convenient as guitar. A piano is expensive and takes up a big chunk of space in your home. You usually can’t tune it yourself, and you’re probably going to need a few formal lessons to learn to play the thing. Getting good at it requires developing some serious coordination.
The major upside to learning piano is that you get such a strong background in music theory, one that’s translatable to almost any other instrument. With a piano, all of the notes are right in a row, and it’s easy to see the theory behind musical concepts like chords and scales. If you later decide to take up guitar or another stringed instrument where the relationships between notes are not nearly as clear, you’ll have a major advantage.
You can make learning piano more accessible by choosing a keyboard instead. Keyboards are electronic instruments capable of a wide range of sounds, where pianos are acoustic instruments with one distinctive sound. Keyboards are easily portable, take up less space, and in general they are much less expensive.
Pro-level keyboards usually require a separate amp, but mid-range models often come with their own speakers. There are even electric pianos out there with weighted keys, to give you the sound and feel of the real thing.

Yamaha PSRE453 61-Key Portable Keyboard
Yamaha PSRE453 61-Key Portable Keyboard
If you haven't the room or budget for a piano, consider an affordable starter keyboard like the Yamaha PSRE453

Bass Guitar

Even though an electric bass looks like a big guitar with fewer strings it is a distinctly different instrument requiring a very different mindset. Still, many of the same reasons you might start out on guitar also apply to bass.
Beginner bass guitars are super affordable, lessons are cheap and abundant online and elsewhere, and finding music is very easy. If you prefer bass over guitar it is every bit as valid a choice.
I have a whole article dedicated to how to choose between bass and guitar, so I’m only going to touch on that a bit here. There are certainly a few things beginners should consider when deciding if bass is the perfect first instrument for them.
Firstly, bass is not necessarily easier than guitar. So if you have the idea that you’ll start on bass because it seems simpler and then move to guitar, you’ve got things a little backwards. Both require practice and both can be as challenging or simple as you wish to make them.
A bass is not a dumbed-down guitar. It is more accurate to say bass and guitar are highly related instruments, each requiring a specialized set of skills. Bassists are typically more rhythm oriented, and work with the drummer to form the backbone of the music.
So why learn bass instead of guitar? If you decide the bass moves you and you love the sound it is a solid alternative to learning traditional guitar. You don’t have to learn guitar first. If you like bass, learn bass!

The Ibanez GSR200 is an Outstanding Bass for Beginners